easy print clipping

Your key to efficient work is the professional press review software expaper: easily extract articles out from epaper PDFs: click – double click – done! Full-text search – extraction – press review: expaper makes the integration of articles from the newspapers’ epaper editions into your electronic press review faster, easier and more convenient than ever before. Search in the PDF – find – cut out the article immediately and clip it electronically.

Save time!

Search your epaper in seconds – thanks to our full text search!

Be flexible!

Define search profiles and keep an eye on new topics!

Press clipping easy and uncomplicated!

Clip easily and directly from the PDF and export articles in original layout.

Save time!

Select, cut and transfer in one step – expaper extracts articles in the original layout.

Set priorities!

Research daily topics with digital full-text search and individual filters. Find the best and most important articles.

Distributed work optimizes workflows

Prepare your media review professionally. Use the know-how of your editor and the speed of the clipping staff by distributing the work.

Working with expaper

Import in seconds, search and clip in just one step, export in original layout. Optimally co-ordinated functionalities and versatile application options are the features that make expaper a must-have for your press review work.
Early morning at its best: Our expaper distribution service automatically delivers your epaper into your clipping system – first thing in the day.

Select – clip – export – all in one step

Start your workflow with expaper. The search function guides you to the important articles. Simply select articles, cut and clip – all in one step. Titles, subtitles, text blocks are automatically recognised and clipped.

Software concept with easy workflow

Produce your media review at the touch of a button. Flexible workflow with the press review software newsweb, the platform for print, online, radio/TV and social media.

Media review – flexible, personal and in corporate design

Whether PDF, email or mobile: newsweb and webportal offer you highest flexibility for your media reviews.


Get to the important articles even faster. Save valuable time in the morning with extremely fast search and easy clipping. Thanks to the original layout and excellent graphic quality, media review becomes a high-quality information tool.

Full-text search

  • Instant full-text search directly in the PDF
  • Search multiple epapers simultaneously
  • Search for any terms
  • Freely definable search profiles
  • Use multiple search profiles simultaneously
  • *- Search
  • Clearly arranged hit list

Easy print clipping

  • Automatic analysis of full page layout
  • Accurate and fast article recognition
  • Article analysis by title, subtitle, author, image, caption, full text…
  • Filtering of graphics and images
  • Live rendering of PDF view (no facsimile!)
  • Disturbing graphics/images in page display can be switched off
  • Integrated clip function directly from PDF
  • Article export in real original layout
  • Excellent image and graphic quality
  • Automatic article extraction (option “autocut”)


  • Attribute mask for metadata entry
  • List, date and free text fields
  • Automatic import of source name and date
  • Automatic transfer of title, subtitle, text into data fields
  • Distributed workflow (editor/clipping staff)


  • Automatic extraction of all articles
  • Automatic extraction of articles according to search profiles
  • Clear correction mask for optimal article structuring
  • Decentralized correction clients, installable worldwide
  • Article output cut or as clipping
  • Export as XML + native PDF / PNG / JPG
  • Add-on

Get more information here!

expaper distribution service

Save valuable time every morning and avoid repetitive tasks: The expaper distribution service (option) delivers the PDFs you have subscribed directly to your workplace early in the morning; there is no need to download the epaper by yourself.

Supply of a maximum of 7 issues per publication per week. Delivery between 1.00 a.m. and 6.00 a.m. in the morning, depending on the publisher.

Technical specifications

  • PC Pentium Core i5 6th generation ≥ 2.4 GHz processor
  • ≥ 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics ≥ 1 GB RAM
  • 64-bit architecture and multiprocessing support
  • Dual monitors ≥ 24″.
  • OS: Windows 10 / Windows Server ≥ 2016

expaper as-a-service

  • Flexibility of the original product
  • Outstanding ease of use
  • Use at any number of workstations
  • Uninterrupted availability around the clock
  • Relief for your IT department
  • Reduced IT costs
  • Automatic updates
  • Monthly cancellability
Years of customer satisfaction
Press reviews generated
Euro saved in copyright fees

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